For a complete bio including my educational background and approach to massage therapy, simply give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you.
My hours of operation are flexible, and I can usually work around your schedule.
There are a variety of modalities that a therapist can call upon. However, each person is different and unique, so the massages are customized to fit each individual. I specialize in getting the knots out...and as of late I have been working on a lot of shoulders and necks. I love what I do and I especially love knowing that I can use my skills and maybe "gift" to help relieve one's discomfort and/or pain. It is always a blessing to me to see the difference in one's demeanor from when they walked in and when they leave and see the stress gone at that moment. I love what I do!!
Thanks for visiting me and God Bless Ya!!
Penni Clark, R & R Time